Frequently asked questions

These FAQs will help guide you through the most common questions regarding BlokID Pixel installation across various CMS platforms, ensuring a smooth setup experience.
Q1: What is the BlokID Pixel, and why do I need it?
The BlokID Pixel is a powerful tracking script that helps monitor user behavior on your website, optimize performance, and track conversions accurately. It is essential for collecting data, identifying errors in attribution, and making data-driven decisions to improve your marketing campaigns.
Q2: How do I install the BlokID Pixel on Webflow?
Here’s how to install the BlokID Pixel on Webflow:
1. Navigate to your Webflow Site Settings.
2. Go to the Custom Code section.
3. Paste the BlokID Pixel script inside the <head> tag.
4. Publish the site.
5. Confirm the installation on your BlokID dashboard.
Q3: How do I add the BlokID Pixel to Shopify?
To add the BlokID Pixel to Shopify:
1. Go to Online Store > Themes in your Shopify dashboard.
2. Click the three dots next to your theme and choose Edit Code.
3. Search for theme.liquid and open the file.
4. Paste the BlokID Pixel script below the <head> tag.
5. Save and confirm the installation in your BlokID dashboard.
Q4: Can I install the BlokID Pixel using Google Tag Manager (GTM)?
Yes, you can install the BlokID Pixel using Google Tag Manager (GTM).
1. Open your GTM dashboard and create a new tag.
2. Select Custom HTML as the tag type.
3. Paste the BlokID Pixel script into the custom HTML field.
4. Set up triggers for all pages or specific pages where you want the Pixel to fire.
5. Save and publish the changes.
6. Confirm the installation in your BlokID dashboard.
Q5: What if I don’t have access to the code?
Can I still install the BlokID Pixel?
If you don’t have access to your website’s code, you can choose the Send Instructions to Developer option within the BlokID dashboard.
This will send the necessary Pixel installation instructions directly to your developer’s email.
Q6: How do I install the BlokID Pixel on a WordPress site?
To install the BlokID Pixel on WordPress:
1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
2. Go to Appearance > Theme Editor.
3. Open the header.php file and paste the BlokID Pixel script just before the closing <head> tag.
4. Save the changes and check your BlokID dashboard to confirm successful installation.
Q7: How do I check if the BlokID Pixel is installed correctly?
After installation, go to your BlokID dashboard and look for a confirmation message indicating that the Pixel is active.
You can also use browser developer tools or third-party tools like Tag Assistant to verify if the Pixel is firing correctly on your website.
Q8: Can I install BlokID Pixel on multiple websites?
Yes, BlokID allows you to install the Pixel on multiple websites.
Simply repeat the installation steps for each website and manage them from your BlokID dashboard.
Q9: What are the different methods of installing the BlokID Pixel?
BlokID offers three main methods to install the Pixel:
1. Manual Pixel Installation: Copy and paste the Pixel script into the website’s <head> section manually.
2. Google Tag Manager Installation: Install the Pixel using Google Tag Manager.
3. Send Instructions to Developer: Email the installation instructions to your developer.
Q10: How do I integrate BlokID Pixel with Google Analytics?
Once the Pixel is installed, you can integrate BlokID with Google Analytics:
1. Go to the BlokID dashboard and navigate to Integrations.
2. Choose Google Analytics and follow the prompts to connect your account.
3. This will allow you to import Google Analytics conversion events directly into BlokID.

More Questions in Mind?

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