
Blockchain Powered Attribution & Privacy Insurance

BlokID leverages blockchain technology to bring an independent, immutable source of truth to digital advertising.Our plug-and-play platform ensures trust, privacy, and attribution accuracy for global brands & and agencies.Seamlessly verify ads, conduct attribution audits, and guarantee privacy with bonded privacy insurance through one click campaign integrated with Google, Facebook, DV360, Xander & The Trade Desk.

21% of Ad Impressions Are from MFA Sites: Is Your Budget at Risk?

What is Law Firm Advertising and Why is It Important?

The Hidden Cost of Facebook Fake Accounts and What It Means for Advertisers

Fake Internet Traffic & How It Hurts Businesses

Top 7 Places where Bots and Fake Users Buy and Sell Clicks

Best Law Firm Digital Marketing Tools in 2024

BlokID Achieves GDPR, CCPA, and US Data Privacy Compliance Through Partnership with Vanta

What Is Attribution in Marketing?

Step-by-Step Guide for BlokID and Shopify Integration

Step-by-Step Guide for BlokID and Webflow Integration

How do Big Audit Firms do digital ads audit?

What is Digital Marketing Agency

Step-by-Step Guide for BlokID and React Website Integration

Step-by-Step Guide for BlokID and WordPress Website Integration

Top 4 Ad Tech Trends in 2025

How Auditors and Audit Companies Audit Ad Spending

What is Click Farm?

Understanding the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)

The California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA)

Understanding the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

How to Reclaim Google Ads Overcharges?

How to Reclaim Facebook Ads Overcharges

Leading Ad Platforms Are Overcharging You: Here's How to Prevent It

BlokID Revolutionizes Digital Marketing with Blockchain-Powered Analytics

What is GDPR?